Alexander McLeod Primary School

Charging Policy

1. Introduction

This policy has been formulated in accordance with DfE advice on Charging for School Activities November 2013.

 Policy adopted: May 2014

2. Aim

The aim of this policy is to set out what the school will charge for trips and activities that occur inside and outside of the school hours. The policy will also outline the circumstances under which voluntary contributions will be requested from parents.


3. Responsibilities

The Governing Body of Alexander McLeod Primary School is responsible for determining the content of the policy and the Head teacher for implementation. Any decisions with respect to individual parents will be considered by the Head teacher.


4. Prohibition of Charges

In line with DfE guidance, the Governing Body will not charge for any of the following:

• Education provided during school hours (including the supply of any materials, books, instruments or other equipment);

• Education provided outside school hours if it is part of the National Curriculum, or part of a syllabus for a prescribed public examination that the pupil is being prepared for at the school, or part of religious   education;

• Entry for a prescribed public examination, if the pupil has been prepared for it at the school

• Examination re-sit(s) if the pupil is being prepared for the re-sit(s) at the school;

• Education provided on any trip that takes place during school hours;

• Supply teachers to cover for those teachers who are absent from school accompanying pupils on a residential trip;

• Transporting registered pupils to other premises where the governing body or local education authority has arranged for pupils to be educated;

• Transport that enables a pupil to meet an examination requirement when he/she has been prepared for the examination at the school; Transport provided in connection with an education trip


5. Charges for Additional Curricular Activities

In line with DfE guidance, the Governing Body can charge for:

i) Board and Lodging on residential visits (not to exceed the costs).

ii) Travel to and from residential visits

iii) Extra materials and equipment used for the purposes of a residential visit

iv) Non-teaching staff costs

v) Entrance fees

vii) Insurance costs

viii) Individual tuition in the playing of a musical instrument

 (f) Any other education, transport, or examination fee unless charges are specifically prohibited

(g) Breakages and replacements as a result of damages caused wilfully or negligently by pupils

(h) Any extra-curricular activities and school clubs (please see section 7).


6. Voluntary Contributions

Parents will be invited to make a voluntary contribution to the following:

1) For class trips to locations outside of school that requires a fee to be paid (e.g. Theatre trips, London zoo, etc.)

2) For the cost of a coach to and from the school.

c) Pay for the cost of an educational visitor to run a programme in school.

The terms of any request made to parents will specify that the request is for a voluntary contribution and in no way represents a charge. In addition the following will be made clear to parents.

a) That the contribution is genuinely voluntary and the parent is under no obligation to pay: and

b) That the registered pupils at the school will not be treated differently according to whether or not their parents have made any contribution in response to the request.

The responsibility for determining the level of voluntary contributions is delegated to the Head teacher. Voluntary contributions will be used to:

• Cover the admission fee for groups of children on trips

• Cover the cost of coach transport to and from school

• Cover the cost of employing an educational visitor into the school to run programmes.


7. Charges for Extended Activities

Charges made for optional, extra activities provided outside of the school day, for example cooking, dance, art, drama, music. Charges are also made for extended activities provided in or around the school by, or on behalf of the Governing Body.


8. Breakages

The school reserves the right to ask parents/carers to pay for the cost of replacing any

Item such as:

  • Broken windows
  • Defaced, damaged or lost text books
  • Replacement reading or homework diaries
  •  Any item damaged as a result of unsatisfactory pupil behaviour
    The Governing Body has decided that charges will be reduced for some activities in the following circumstances:

• Parents on certain benefits

• Vulnerable children


This policy will only be reviewed in light of new guidance or legislation if introduced.      

Signed  by Chair of Governors May 2014