At Alexander McLeod Primary school we believe that Computing should be used to support and enhance our learning across the curriculum, with outcomes linked to our topics. We use Chromebooks to support all of our learning.
Each year group has a dedicated set of Chromebooks and in years 4, 5 and 6 the children have their own device. This means they are available for all lessons. In EYFS, we have a set of iPads to start them on their Computing journey.
In line with the National Curriculum, we have created our own scheme of work for computing. The curriculum breaks down into three threads, programming, life skills, and digital literacy. These threads progress as a child grows and moves up through the school.
In programming, we begin in KS1 with some unplugged understanding of algorithms moving on to creating our own simple programmes. In KS2, we build on this by creating our own games, apps, and websites using both block coding and introducing written code.
Our life skills unit focuses on computing skills pupils will need throughout their lives, such as typing, emails, online accounts, using files and folders, then creating documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. These lessons are integrated with our wider curriculum.
Computing also ensures that pupils become digitally literate so that they are able to navigate an online world safely. They will be able to express themselves and develop their ideas in a secure way. We will be constantly evolving this curriculum to keep up with a rapidly changing world.
Meet the Lead
I am Mr Dickinson, the computing lead teacher, and I have seen many technological changes in my time as a teacher, from the introduction of computers and projectors in the classroom to Google Classroom and online learning over lockdown. I am keen to drive Alex McLeod into the next phase of computing to prepare the children for their futures. We want to develop technologically literate citizens when they leave school as who knows what devices they will be using in twenty years’ time.
If you have any queries around how computing is taught in our school, I am always available on the playground after school or you can book in a meeting with me. I am happy to share our ideas and listen to any feedback from our parent community.