The Hive
It is recognised that the children attending our Hub provision have needs that could be potentially met by understanding their development, behaviours and methods of communicating their needs and emotions, particularly when in a heightened state.
In Hub, we aim to ensure that:
1. The classroom offers a safe base, supporting the development of the children's relationship with each other and with the staff. Structured and predictable routines are present. All adults are reliable and consistent in their approach to the children.
2. Children's learning is understood developmentally. The response to the individual child is ‘as they are', is underpinned by a non-judgemental and accepting attitude.
3. Adults provide development of self-esteem through listening and responding appropriately to the children. In reciprocal shared activities, the children have the opportunity to share emotions, events and thoughts and vocalise how they feel. Vocabulary is learned and appropriate responses are modelled. Adults notice and praise small achievements. Circle times are held, physical movement breaks provided and games are played to help develop social and emotional skills
The Hub is designed to create a therapeutic learning environment which focuses on building self-confidence and resilience that encourages our children to try.
Staff in The Hub work together to help each child to catch-up with their learning. They ensure that they are clear about all the child’s learning gaps and aim to ensure that their emotional and social needs are also addressed. Staff deliver an academically rigorous curriculum that enables each pupil to make better than expected progress, bridge gaps and keep up with new learning. We develop routines and consistency to support their anxiety.
Mrs BaileyAssistant head Teacher - Inclusion
Mrs Bailey
Mrs WelchPastoral Support Lead
Mrs Welch
Mrs JackmanSpecialist Intervention Teacher & Forest School Lead
Mrs Jackman
Mr Bandah
Mr Bandah