Alexander McLeod Primary School



Alexander McLeod Primary School is committed to providing an appropriate and excellent quality education to all our children.  We believe that ALL children have a common entitlement to a broad and balanced academic and social curriculum, which is accessible to them.  We also aim for ALL children to be fully included in all aspects of school life.

Inclusion is at the heart of everything we do at Alexander McLeod Primary School.  We are recognised by many professionals for the priority we give to Inclusion and many parents and carers choose to send their children to us for this very reason. Our school was awarded the Inclusion Quality Mark due to our ongoing commitment to inclusion.   

Inclusion- (ID 1026)









“Inclusion is not giving everyone the same thing.  Inclusion is giving each person what they need to succeed.”

Within school we pay particular attention to the provision for and achievement of different groups of learners to ensure that we are doing the very best we can:

  • Girls and boys, minority ethnic and faith groups, travellers, asylum seekers and refugees.
  • Learners who need support to learn English as an additional language (EAL)
  • Learners with special educational needs
  • Learners who are disabled
  • Those who are looked after by the Local Authority
  • Others such as those who are sick, those who are young carers, those who are in families under stress.
  • Any learners who are at risk of disaffection and exclusion

We support these children internally through short or long term interventions, targeted teaching, and support from outside professionals such as Early Help, Waterside, Speech and Language, ASD or any other means that enable these learners to access what they need to succeed.  (For more information please read SEND policy)

If you have a query, concern or suggestion related to any aspect of Inclusion then please speak to Mrs Farish or the relevant member of the team who are listed below.

The Inclusion Team


Inclusion Team (ID 1102)


Meet the Lead

My name is Mrs Bailey and I am the Assistant Head Teacher with a focus on Inclusion. I am responsible for the day to day operation of the school’s inclusion policies including the provision for children with Special Educational Needs, those with English as an Additional Language (EAL) and supporting behaviour and pastoral care across the school. This includes tracking progress for our most vulnerable pupils and overseeing our Hub provision.
I support the Headteacher in planning and delivering support for children benefitting from the Pupil Premium, and other senior leaders in ensuring the educational success of the school. I am committed to working in partnership with colleagues, families and outside agencies and also in supporting teachers continued professional development so that they can set challenging targets that raise achievement for all.
I believe in our school providing excellent pastoral care and academic provision which helps children flourish and become highly skilled, resilient and deep thinking members of society in order to achieve exceptional outcomes and their ambitions.
Local Offer of SEND 2024-2025