Alexander McLeod Primary School

Year 3 

Here you will read about some of the amazing learning opportunities our year 3 children will encounter this year. You can also use this page to keep up to date with any key events, diary dates and important documents such as long-term plans, letters sent home, homework set and any other announcements. Our year 3 team are extremely experienced and passionate about educating children and have high expectations in every aspect of school life.

Please click on an image for a brief introduction to the teachers

  • Miss Dilley
    Year 3 Teacher & Assessment lead
  • Ms Ugiagbe
    Year 3 Teacher & RE lead
  • Mrs Barker
    Year 3 Teacher & DT lead

Our learning

Year 3 is an incredibly exciting time as the children begin their first year in a new Key Stage. Our focus this year will be to teach the Year 3 curriculum in order to ensure that children are working at the expected standard for their age by the end of the 2024/25 academic year. However, we will also be revising some of the key learning within the Year 2 curriculum; this will ensure that any gaps within their knowledge concerning Year 2 expectations have been closed and that children are fully able to access the learning intended for a Year 3 child.

In Year 3, we intend to create confident mathematicians who have a solid understanding of place value and are able to adopt a range of strategies when problem solving. By the end of Year 3, children will be familiar with formal written methods for all four operations of number and be able to fluently recall times tables 2s, 3s, 5s, 4s, 10s and 8s.

We will also be exploring a range of enquires throughout the year:


Year 3 Long term curriculum map

Year 3 Newsletter - Spring Term 1Lower Key Stage 2 -Curriculum booklet